Kyō Kara Ore Wa!! (今日から俺は!!, trans. Today, It's My Turn!!) is a Japanese shōnen manga by Hiroyuki Nishimori. The series was initially published in Shōnen Sunday Super running monthly from 1988 volume 9 through 1990 volume 38. The series was then promoted to the weekly magazine Shōnen Sunday from 1990 volume 40 through 1997 volume 47. The first manga tankōbon was published on December 14, 1989[1] and last thirty-eighth on March 18, 1998.
- 除了"我是大哥大"你也可能喜欢以下影片:
- 同主演
- 同导演
- 1.竹刀少女
- 2.南无阿弥陀佛!-莲台UTENA-
- 3.异世界魔王与召唤少女的奴隶魔术第二季
- 4.监狱学园OAD疯狂的蜡
- 5.苏生龙王传说
- 6.兽旋战斗
- 7.怪盗Joker第三季
- 8.蜡笔小新呼唤传说!跳吧!朋友!
- 9.Tropical-Rouge!光之美少女
- 10.假面骑士时王盖茨王权剧场版
- 11.电脑线圈
- 12.哆啦A梦大雄与银河超特急
- 13.来玩游戏吧OVA
- 14.虫王战队超王者拉克莱斯王的秘密
- 15.银河英雄传说DieNeueThese星乱