Chozen is an animated comedy about its title character, Chozen, a gay white rapper fresh out of prison. Armed with a new message, Chozen is on a quest for redemption and to claim his rightful position as the world's top rap artist. His music and lyrics take aim at the stereotypes of machismo and misogyny that is synonymous with rap music. And his new world view has been shaped by his time in prison. - Written by FX Network
- 除了"嘻哈熊男第一季"你也可能喜欢以下影片:
- 同主演
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- 1.生化危机无尽黑暗
- 2.少年骇客全面进化第二季
- 3.RWBYChibi第二季
- 4.彩虹小马小马国女孩之友谊大赛
- 5.康斯坦丁恶魔之城
- 6.脆莓公园第一季
- 7.星蝶公主第四季
- 8.飞天小女警第五季
- 9.功夫熊猫盖世传奇第一季
- 10.成龙历险记第五季
- 11.冰雪女王3火与冰
- 12.南方公园第三季
- 13.天线宝宝(重启版)
- 14.无敌少侠第一季
- 15.麦百万