The boys attempt to turn an old Renault Espace people carrier and turn it into a convertible people carrier. Richard road tests a pink Nissan Micra convertible. James road tests the funky new Honda Civic. Jeremy road test Sweden's outrageous supercar, the Koenigsegg CCX. The boys said good buy to the Suzuki Liana and welcome the new Chevrolet Lacetti as the new Reasonably Price Car.
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- 8.欢迎来到车臣
- 9.急诊
- 10.这一年
- 11.燃烧卡路里的餐厅
- 12.受害者嫌疑人VictimSuspect
- 13.作弊的真相
- 14.玛丽莲·梦露之谜首次现世的录音
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