yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>For years, detective Jae-hwan has been obsessed with catching Jin-hyuk, the serial killer responsible for the death of his partner and brother-in-law, even if the path to revenge means skipping a few rules. But, when the much-delayed encounter finally comes, things don’t go at all as expected—after a chase and a muddled accident and having been missing for a month, Jae-hwan wakes up handcuffed to a hospital bed, only to discover that he’s trapped in Jin-hyuk’s body and that, in turn, the killer is taking his place alongside his family. But this is only the starting point to a sinuous, extreme narrative filled with surprising twists and tinged the red of blood and neon lights. In his brutal debut, Kim Jae-hoon appropriates the body switch trope in order to give shape to a feast for genre film lovers.
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